لطفا به فایل صوتی زیر گوش کنید و لینک ها رو هم ببینید.
AJ Hoge Effortless English (Good Listening Practice)
Tactics for Listening Third Edition (Listening Practice from Basic to Intermediate)https://elt.oup.com/student/tacticsforlistening3e/?cc=us&selLanguage=en
TOEFL Listening Practice (Good for High and Advanced Levels)
1. http://www.examenglish.com/TOEFL/toefl_listening.htm
2. https://www.bestmytest.com/toefl/listening
TOEFL Listening Practice Videoshttp://mortezanotebook.blogsky.com/1395/03/31/post-117/
Review Inter-3 Vocab in 20 Minutes
Vocabulary - though, although, even though, despite, in spite of
English Grammar - Present Simple tense
English Grammar - Present Simple & Present Progressive
English Grammar - Present Simple - WH- QUESTIONS
English Grammar - Present Simple - YES/NO QUESTIONS
Tenses in English - Future or Present Continuous
سایت رسمی EngVid
خرید به صورت آماده روی دی وی دی
TOEFL Listening Practice Videos (Good for High-Intermediate and Advanced Levels)
1. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=376482826421
2. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=855789052402
3. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=0480688069584
4. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=413199949472 (Part I)
5. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=83958914169 (Part II)
6. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=482361928939 (Part III)
7. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=952856264993
8. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=132031444226
9. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=966927908039
مناسب برای تقویت Listening
1. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=773773491737
2. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=360176800416
3. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=881661667629
4. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=664305076652
5. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=380058951862
6. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=164365740743
7. http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=46054830381
I want to make a difference. من می خام مفید باشم