BBIAF کمی بعد بر می گردم
دوشنبه 2 شهریور 1394 19:22
BBIAF Be Back In A Few BBIAF Be Back In A Flash BBIAF Be Back in A Flush
gash بریدگی عمیق؛ sidewall کناره ی لاستیک
دوشنبه 2 شهریور 1394 16:09
How to Repair a Sidewall Gash in a Bike Tire روش تعمیر بریدگی عمیق در دیواره ی کناره ی لاستیک How to Fix a Torn Sidewall on Your Mountain Bike روش تعمییر دیواره پاره شده ی کنار لاستیک در دوچرخه کوهستانی
آموزش زمان حال کامل یا present perfect به زبان فارسی توسط داوود
دوشنبه 2 شهریور 1394 09:57
Present Perfect Part 1 زمان حال کامل Present Perfect Part 2 زمان حال کامل Present Perfect Part 3 زمان حال کامل Present Perfect Part 4 زمان حال کامل, آیا تا حالا ...؟ Present Perfect Part 5 زمان حال کامل, آیا تا حالا ...؟ Present Perfect Part 6 زمان حال کامل, آیا تا حالا ...؟ Present Perfect Part 7 زمان حال کامل چند...
up until that تا اون موقع
یکشنبه 1 شهریور 1394 10:35
Up until that, I had only been involved heavily in skateboarding and snowboarding. Up until that I had been very focused on playing soccer and wanted to pursue that professionally. Up until that , I had written short stories, stage plays, sketch comedy.
pejorative تنزل دهنده، تحقیر امیز، واژه تحقیرى
یکشنبه 1 شهریور 1394 10:29
a pejorative word, phrase, etc. expresses criticism or a bad opinion of someone or something: In this context, the word provincial has pejorative overtones. توضیح : به عنوان مثال در ایران استفاده از کلمۀ "شهرستانی" در مقابل کلمۀ "تهرانی" کمی بار تحقیرآمیز با خود دارد یعنی has pejorative overtones....
up بیدار بودن
یکشنبه 1 شهریور 1394 09:33
I was up until three o'clock trying to get it finished! تا ساعت سه بیدار بودم تا تمومش کنم.
یکشنبه 1 شهریور 1394 09:13
roast مهمانى به افتخار کسى که ضمنا مورد تمسخر و طنز دوستانه هم قرار مىگیرد a party to celebrate someone's life where the guests make humorous speeches about that person For example: Roast of Justin Bieber https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&safe=off&q=justin+bieber+roast
blow away بسیار شدید و لذت بخش تحت تاثیر قرار گرفتن
شنبه 31 مرداد 1394 16:37
to impress (someone) in a very strong and favorable way • I was really blown away by her latest movie. این آخرین فیلمش منو نابود کرد (به شدت من رو تحت تاثیر قرار داد و ازش خیلی لذت بردم). I was really blown away by the work the students put together in such a short time. I was really blown away by his performance. I...
jumping jack پروانه (حرکت تمرینی در ورزش)
شنبه 31 مرداد 1394 12:12
noun , pl ~ jacks [count] US : a jump done for exercise in which you spread your legs and point your hands straight up, then bring your legs together and let your hands fall • We did a few jumping jacks to warm up.
grin like a Cheshire cat
جمعه 30 مرداد 1394 20:46
have a broad fixed smile on your face. ✔ The Cheshire cat with its broad grin is best known for its appearance (and disappearance) in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865), but the expression, which is of uncertain origin, is recorded from the first half of the 19th century. Cheshire ˈ/cheshər/ There...
a baptism by fire اولین تجربه از کاری دشوار یا دردناک؛ غسل تعمید با آتش
جمعه 30 مرداد 1394 18:30
A baptism of fire or (chiefly US) baptism by fire is a first experience that is very difficult or painful , such as the first time that soldiers are in a battle. • He described his troop's baptism of fire on the front lines. • Covering the disaster was a baptism by fire for the young reporter. • Giving a speech to the...
با هم دوست شدن make friends with each other
دوشنبه 26 مرداد 1394 23:34
She hoped that they would make friends with each other .
معنی senior medical input و consultant-led environment و crook lying and feet together
دوشنبه 26 مرداد 1394 21:37
1)senior medical input توصیه یا راهنمایی تخصصی پزشکی 2) Antenatal care should be delivered in a consultant-led environment with access to fetal medicine services مراقبت پیش از تولد بهتر است به صورت مراجعه های مرتب (و یا در صورت نیاز) به مشاور در کنار دسترسی به امکانات پزشکی جنینی صورت پذیرد یا انجام شود. with the...
tears of joy اشک شادی
دوشنبه 26 مرداد 1394 13:45
There were tears of joy in her eyes. Seeing her again brought tears of joy to my eyes.
get it over with خودتو خلاص کن؛ خودتو راحت کن
شنبه 24 مرداد 1394 15:03
get something over with to do something unpleasant so that you do not have to worry about it any more Call her and get it over with . You'd better give them the bad news. Do it now - get it over with .
Let's shake on it بیا با هم دست بدیم (به نشانۀ توافق)
شنبه 24 مرداد 1394 09:45
shake on it MAINLY SPOKEN used for saying that you want to shake hands with someone in order to show that you both agree to something: Lance held his hand out and said, Let's shake on it. They shook on the deal. Let's shake on it. Carter stood up. "Let's shake on it." He held out his hand. Can the two...
ماز جبرانی : آیا این یکی را درباره ایرانی-آمریکایی ها شنیده اید؟
پنجشنبه 22 مرداد 1394 02:20
مشاهده و دانلود فایل ویدیو http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=659206186188 دانلود فایل زیر نویس انگلیسی (مناسب برای تمرین مهارت شنیداری) برای دسترسی ترجمه به زبان های دیگر (AMARA وبسایت زیرنویس ها) https://www.amara.org/en/videos/oIbnsuAk6ebJ/info/did-you-hear-the-one-about-the-iranian-american/ دانلود نسخه ی کم حجم صوتی...
backhanded کنایه آمیز، (حرف) دوپهلو
چهارشنبه 21 مرداد 1394 22:44
said in a way that seems to express admiration but really expresses the opposite: a backhanded compliment تعارف کنایه آمیز
backhanded کنایه آمیز، (حرف) دوپهلو
چهارشنبه 21 مرداد 1394 22:44
said in a way that seems to express admiration but really expresses the opposite: a backhanded compliment تعارف کنایه آمیز
awkward بدبار
دوشنبه 19 مرداد 1394 01:38
The box isn't heavy but it has an awkward shape and size. [=its shape and size make it difficult to carry]
مرجع زبان ایران
چهارشنبه 14 مرداد 1394 16:04
citation احضاریه
دوشنبه 12 مرداد 1394 12:26
an official request for someone to appear in a court of law • He was issued a citation . • He received a citation for reckless driving.
buddy-buddy دوست جون جونی
دوشنبه 12 مرداد 1394 09:04
buddy-buddy `buddy-,buddy adjective INFORMAL very friendly, especially in a way that seems false or silly: She was my friend, before she got all buddy-buddy with the boss. She's been buddy-buddy [= chummy ] with the band for several years. He's a little too buddy-buddy with his professors.
لیست جملات و عبارات رایج در کلاس های زبان انگلیسی
دوشنبه 5 مرداد 1394 01:01
http://s3.picofile.com/file/8198497442/Classroom_English.txt.html http://s6.picofile.com/file/8198497484/Classroom_Language.txt.html http://s6.picofile.com/file/8198497500/Classroom_phrases.txt.html
حق نداشتن
یکشنبه 4 مرداد 1394 00:44
You have no business telling me what I can and cannot wear! I'll wear whatever I like! تو حق نداری به من بگی ...
عشق چیست ؟ - برد تروجر What is love - Brad Troeger
یکشنبه 4 مرداد 1394 00:16
عشق چیست ؟ - برد تروجر آیا عشق یک سیگنال سیال از طریق مسیرهای عصبی شما است؟ یک کلیشه؟ یک آیین؟ عشق برای مقایسه آسان است اما برای تعریف دشوار است، شاید برای اینکه ما اساسا پیشداورى مىکنیم. ما سعی می کنیم عشق را زمانیکه به دام آن افتادهایم یا از آن فارغ شدهایم تعریف کنیم. عشق احساسات متفاوتی در افرادی که آن را...
اعلام جزئیات آزمون استخدامی آموزش و پرورش در هفته جاری
شنبه 3 مرداد 1394 16:54
لینک خبر
یک ویدیوی بسیار عالی که به شکلی بسیار ساده مفهوم مکانیک کوانتوم را توضیح می دهد
شنبه 3 مرداد 1394 11:14
http://takhtesefid.org/watch?v=392817741167 www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVpXrbZ4bnU برای دریافت متن کامل این ویدیو به ادامه مطلب مراجعه کنید. در صورت علاقه به داشتن اطلاعات بیشتر در زمینۀ مکانیک کوانتوم: http://kelasedars.org/ Here's the corrected transcript: Quantum Mechanics: Animation Mar 23, 2013 - Uploaded by Eugene...
clapping in time to music همراه با موسیقی دست زدن
شنبه 3 مرداد 1394 10:54
We clapped in time to [=in a way that matched the speed of] the music.
make up for lost time وقت تلف شده را جبران کردن
شنبه 3 مرداد 1394 10:52
You'll just have to make up for lost time by working harder now. [=you'll have to work faster because you have less time to finish the work]